Jungle King Secrets
BY: Paul Adcock
PUBLISHED BY: Loving Healing Press
ISBN: 978-1-932690-49-1
Pages: 251
You can’t watch television these days without seeing those annoying male enhancement commercials. In the Jungle King Secrets by Paul Adcock, learn how to increase your libido without using those dangerous, toxic enhancements that are in the markets today.
The basic guideline in the book is very simple: eat healthy and exercise. Stay away from processed foods like cookies, soft drinks and other sweets. Eat fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and eggs. Drink raw milk and water. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
Do you know what vitamin is referred as “nature’s Viagra?” Paul Adcock gives you the answer and lists other vitamins that can help you increase your love life. Learn about “energy cultivation (Qi Gong),” and other exercises that helps your stamina and health.
The Jungle King Secrets is heavily researched, but at times the book feels like it’s repeating itself. I think the author could have written this book under one hundred pages without losing any of the information. Overall, I enjoyed reading the book and would recommend it.
Its good to read something like this. I find this entertaining and worth to have it.