Exercise and Coffee Review is a PR Friendly blog, I'm interested in reviewing a variety of products (fitness DVDS, weights, small exercise equipment (Sorry, I don't have room for big products.), anything health related. I'll accept queries from other non fitness/health products, including book reviews. I might be interested in hosting an occasional giveaway. If you are interested please contact me at billyburgess20@hotmail.com or coffeeramblings@hotmail.com.
A Few Review Policies:
*All reviews are free of charge.
*All product reviews will be posted within a month.
*I'm not responsible for anything shipping costs.
*All reviews will be posted on Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.
Giveaway Policies:
*Giveaway are Free of Charge
*I'll send you the Winner's details so you can send them the product.